Curriculum Vitae

Download full CV here


2020 Ph.D.      Colorado State University, Warner College of Natural Resources
2015 M.S.       University of Texas at Austin, Jackson School of Geosciences
2009 B.S.        University of Texas at Austin, McCombs School of Business

Professional Experience

2020–2022         NSF Postdoctoral Fellow, Stanford/UC Santa Cruz
Summer 2020     Instructor, GeoFORCE 10th Grade Academy
2020-2015          Graduate Research/Teaching Assistant, CSU
2015-2014          Graduate Teaching/Research Assistant, LA-ICP-MS lab, UT-Austin
2013-2012          Undergraduate Research Assistant, UT-Austin

Awards & Fellowships

2020–2022      National Science Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship
2019–2020      Warner College of Natural Resources Graduate Student Success Scholarship
2019-2020       Roger & LuAnn Steininger Graduate Fellowship
2019                Outstanding Service to the Geosciences Department Award
2019                Association for Women Geoscientists Outstanding Student Award
2018                CSU Petrography Contest  – 1stPlace, Graduate Division
2017-2018       McCallum Mineralogy & Petrology Graduate Scholarship
2017-2018       CSU Vice President for Research Fellowship
2016-2017       Department of Geosciences Outstanding TA
2016-2017      Roger & LuAnn Steininger Graduate Fellowship
2016                Geological Society of America MGPV Division Award
2015-2016      Edward Warner Research Assistantship
2014, 2015      Folk/McBride Petrography Award – 2ndPlace, Graduate Division


2020    Seymour, N.M., Singleton, J.S., Mavor, S.P., Gomila, R., Stockli, D.F., Heuser, G., and Arancibia, G., The relationship between arc magmatism and deformation along the intra-arc strike-slip Atacama fault system, northern Chile, Tectonics, doi: 2019TC005702.

2020    Mavor, S.P., Singleton, J.S., Gomila, R., Heuser, G., Seymour, N.M., Williams, S.A., Arancibia, G., Johnston, S., Kylander-Clark, A., and Stockli, D.F., Timing, kinematics, and displacement of the Taltal fault system, northern Chile: Implications for the Cretaceous tectonic evolution of the Andean margin, Tectonics, doi: 2019TC005832.

2020    Ruthven, R.C., Singleton, J.S., Seymour, N.M., Gomila, R., Arancibia, G., Magloughlin, J.F., Ridley, J.R., and Stockli, D.F., The geometry, kinematics, and timing of deformation along the southern segment of the Paposo fault zone, Atacama fault system, northern Chile, Journal of South American Earth Sciences, doi:10.1016/j.jsames.2019.102355.

2019   Thacker, J.O., Karlstrom, K.E., Crossey, L.C., Crow, R.S., Cassidy, C.E., Beard, L.S., Singleton, J.S., Strickland, E.D., Seymour, N.M., and ‡Wyatt, M.R., Post–12 Ma deformation in the lower Colorado River corridor, southwestern USA: Implications for diffuse transtension and the Bouse Formation, Geosphere,

2019    Singleton, J.S., Seymour, N.M., Reynolds, S.J., Vomocil, T., and Wong, M.S., Distributed Neogene faulting across the western to central Arizona metamorphic core complex belt: synextensional constriction and superposition of the Pacific-North America plate boundary on the southern Basin and Range, Geosphere, p. 1409-1435, doi:10.1130/GES02036.1.

2019    Singleton, J.S., Mavor, S.P., Seymour, N.M., Williams, S.A., Patton, A.I., Ruthven, R.C., Johnson, E.P., and Prior, M.G., Laramide shortening and the influence of Precambrian basement on uplift of the Black Hills, South Dakota and Wyoming, Rocky Mountain Geology, 54(1), p. 1-17.

2018    Seymour, N.M., Strickland, E.D., Singleton, J.S., Stockli, D.F., and Wong, M.S., Laramide Subduction and Metamorphism of the Orocopia Schist, northern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona: Insights from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology, Geology, doi:10.1130/G45059.1.

2017    Strickland, E.D., Singleton, J.S., Griffin, A.T.B., and Seymour, N.M., Geologic Map of the Northern Plomosa Mountains Metamorphic Core Complex, Arizona, Arizona Geological Survey Contributed Map CM-17-A, 1 map sheet, 1:10,000 map scale.

2016    Seymour, N.M., Stockli, D.F., Beltrando, M., and Smye, A.J., Tracing the Thermal Evolution of the Corsican lower crust during Tethyan rifting, Tectonics, 35(10), p. 2439-2466.

2016   Yang, J., Lin, J.F., Jacobsen, S.D., Seymour, N.M., Tkachev, S.N., and Prakapenka, V.B., Elasticity of ferropericlase and seismic heterogeneity in the Earth’s lower mantle, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 121(12), p. 8488-8500.

Selected Abstracts (*oral, poster for first author; ‡ indicates undergraduate mentee)

2020    Singleton, J.S., Seymour, N.M., Ruthven, R.C., Mavor, S.P., Gomila, R., Heuser, G., and Arancibia, G.: Rheological Behavior of Intra-Arc Strike-Slip Faults: Insights from the Atacama Fault System in Northern Chile, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting, Pasadena, CA. –Delayed to 2021 Cordilleran Section Meeting

2019  *Seymour, N.M.,Singleton, J.S., Gomila, R., Heuser, G., Mavor, S.P., Arancibia, G., and Stockli, D.F.,2019: Structural Evolution of the Intra-Arc Atacama Fault System During Oblique Convergence, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

2019  †Seymour, N.M.,Singleton, J.S., Gomila, R., Arancibia, G., Ridley, J.R., Gevedon, M.L., Seman, S.M., and Stockli, D.F.,2019: Multi-Phase Skarn Mineralization Along a Transpressional Shear Zone, Copiapó, Chile, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

2019    ‡Hernandez, M.A., Seymour, N.M.,Singleton, J.S., and Stockli, D.F.,2019: U-Pb Detrital Zircon Geochronology of Paleozoic to Mesozoic Strata in the Coastal Cordillera, Northern Chile, Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.

2019    Magloughlin, J.F., Seymour, N.M.,and Zaggle, R.H., 2019: U-Pb dating of the Wenatchee Ridge Orthogneiss and related rocks with implications for the tectonic history of the Nason Terrane, Geological Society of America Cordilleran Section Meeting, Portland, OR.

2018    †Seymour, N.M., Singleton, J.S., Gomila, R., and Stockli, D.F., 2018: Effects of Early Cretaceous Plutonism along the Atacama Fault System, northern Chile: The Relationship between Magmatism and Deformation: American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC.

2018    Singleton, J.S., Wong, M.S., Strickland, E.D., Prior, M.G., Wrobel, A., Pollard, B., Stockli, D.F., Gans, P., and Seymour, N.M.,2018: Laramide magmatism and extensional exhumation recorded in Miocene metamorphic core complexes in west-central Arizona, Geological Society of America Joint Rocky Mountain/Cordilleran Section Meeting, Flagstaff, AZ.

2017    ‡Wyatt, M.R., Singleton, J.S., Seymour, N.M.,2017:Evidence for dextral transtension in the southern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona:Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Abstracts with Programs.

2016    †Seymour, N.M., Wong, M., and Singleton, J.S., 2016: TitaniQ analyses of mylonites from metamorphic core complexes in west-central Arizona: Implications for two phases of extension in the lower Colorado River Extensional Corridor: American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA.

2015    †Seymour, N.M., Stockli, D.F., Smye, A.J., and Beltrando, M., 2015: Thermal Evolution of Continental Rifting in Corsica (France): Goldschmidt, Prague, Czech Republic.

2013    †Seymour, N.M., Cassel, E.J., and Stockli, D.F., 2013: Detrital zircon geochronology of Copper and Bull Run Basins, NV: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, Abstracts with Programs, v.45, no. 7, p.604.

Non-conference Presentations (*oral, poster)

2019    *INVITED: Under the Arc and Through the Crust: Laramide subduction and metamorphism of the Orocopia Schist, northern Plomosa Mountains, west-central Arizona: University of Northern Colorado Geoscience & Women in STEM clubs, CSU-UNC Research Exchange Program
2019    *Structural evolution of the Atacama Fault System: Deformation in a magmatic arc during oblique convergence: University of Padova Department of Geoscience Seminar
2018    *INVITED: Subduction and Metamorphism of the Orocopia Schist, west-central Arizona: Insights from Zircon U-Pb Geochronology: The University of Hong Kong Department of Earth Sciences Seminar Programme
2015    †Apatite U-Pb Thermochronometry Applied to a Fossil Hyperextended Rift Margin in Corsica: Jackson School of Geosciences Annual Research Symposium.

Undergraduate Student Mentoring

Micah Hernandez (2018-2019); Amanda Eddleman (2018); Kendall Marshall (2017-2018); Shannon Weld (2017-2018); Michael Wyatt (2017); Christine Frye (2017); Caroline Martin (2013-2014)

Field Work

Calabria, Italy; Atacama Desert, northern Chile; Black Hills, SD/WY; Plomosa, Harquahala, White Tank, and South Mtns, AZ; Corsica, France; Bull Run and Copper Basins, NV

Professional Activities

2017–2020        Seminar Organizer, CSU GeoSlam
2019                  Participant, IAGD Accessible Field Trip, Petrified Forest NP
2019                  Co-convener, GSA Session T53: “Present-Day and Ancient Flat-Slab Subduction in the Rock Record, Geophysical Images, and Geodynamic Models”
2019                  Participant, CSU Creating Inclusive Excellence Program
2019                  Judge, Colorado Science & Engineering Fair (High School)
2019                  Volunteer and Student Mentor, NSF PROGRESS Workshop
2018-2019        Judge, CSU Undergraduate Research Fair
2017, 2018        Student Representative, Geosciences Congressional Visits (GSA, AGU)
2018                  Participant, ComSciCon Rocky Mountain West
2018                  Participant, Earth Educators Rendezvous: Preparing for an Academic Career
2014-2015        Seminar Organizer, UT Austin iPGST Hard Rock Seminar
2013                  Student Organizer, 7th North American Mössbaurer Symposium

Professional Memberships

American Geophysical Union (2014 – Present)
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (2013 – Present)
American Institute of Professional Geologists (2013 – Present)
Association for Women Geoscientists (2016 – Present)
Geological Society of America (2012 – Present)
Society of Economic Geologists (2016 – Present)